Create MXF

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Create MXF

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These preferences provide settings for creating a new MXF file:




Use Simple Dialog: This option reduces the number of options on the wrapping menus so that only pre-made wrapping set-ups are available. This can help operators to avoid unintended changes to settings.


Select Preset: Selecting a file here will pre-populate the Create MXF File set-up when it is selected. You may choose one of the presets from the shared or the personal folders.


The Timecode Defaults preferences are used as the default frame rate, count mode and starting time when creating new presets that include timecode tracks:




Framerate: Choose the number of frames per second. The framerates with a "%" suffix indicate that the actual number of frames per second is reduced by 1000/1001, for example, 29.97, or 23.976; these "fractional frame rates" are usual in regions that previously broadcast NTSC television. Integer framerates (for example 30.00) are used in very few cases.


Drop Frame: Choose Drop Frame count mode to omit frames at the start of whole minutes, to keep the timecodes approximately following clock time when fractional frame rates are in use.


Start Time: If you normally create files whose timecode starts at a fixed time, enter the time here. A common practice is to start the file at 00:59:45;00 when a slate, bars, tone, and countdown is used; and for the first frame of picture to be at 01:00:00;00


Force Edit Rate in Create: The Create MXF function tries to derive the video Edit Rate (the picture frame rate) by examining the essence. Choose Force Edit Rate if the essence you are wrapping does not have a well-defined Edit Rate - for example, when wrapping Frame per File from DPX, or when wrapping audio samples. We recommend selecting Force Edit Rate in most cases. Note that when this is selected and the essence is not easily convertible to the selected Framerate, the Create MXF Process function will give an error message, and not create the files.




Store Abbreviated: This option causes Presets to be saved using abbreviated directory names (such as "{$desktop}/sources/Bee"), so that the Preset can track directories that move depending on user setup. If this box is left unchecked, absolute directory names will be saved in Presets, and these are ikely to need to be changed when moving to another system.


Display Abbreviated: This option causes directory names to be shown on the Create MXF page in abbreviated form.