Metaglue MXF Structure Checker

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Metaglue MXF Structure Checker

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Metaglue MXF Structure Checker

This view shows the output of the Metaglue MXF Structure checker

The Metaglue MXF Structure Checker checks the basic structure of an MXF file. It makes no attempt to check that the information within the file is meaningful, merely that it is structured in a way that the information can be decoded and that there are no structural errors with the bit stream.

Metaglue MXF Structure Checker has three levels of messaging;

Errors: These are important problems that are likely to lead to decoders failing, or to information in the file not being fully interpreted.

Warnings: These are possible problems that may mean a decoder failing or that the file may slightly vary form the standard.

Info: These are messages of interest to someone testing and interpreting a file.


Errors relating to the overall file

""Does not appear to be a MXF File""


Could not find a Partition head. Most likely this is because the file is not an MXF File but it could be because there is a run-in on the file which is longer than the specification


"Run-in of<count> bytes found at head of file"


A run-in of <count> bytes was found at the head of the file


"Unable to seek in file -terminated application"


There was an error seeking within the file, it is thus impossible to continue with the test. This error is a fault in the file system rather than the MXF structure.



Errors relating to the integrity of the KLV Stream

"Break in KLV stream"


There was no new SMPTE Key header at the expected place MXFStruct will search forward to find the next valid header


"Unable to 'resync' before end of file"


Following the break above there was no new header found before the start of the next file


"'Resynced' after <number> bytes"


It took <number> bytes to find the next SMPTE Key header


"Found UUID (<UUID>) instead of SMPTE key"


Found a UUID instead of a SMPTE key, however the length field pointed to a SMPTE key so the klv stream appears to be continuous


"More than one (<number>) filler items in a row"


It is not permitted to have more than one filler item in a row, however <number> were found consecutively.



Errors relating to the partition structure

"<type> Partition found <status>"


A partition was found of given type (Header, footer etc) and Status (open or closed, complete or incomplete)


"Found primer pack"


A primer pack was found ( this primer pack will be decoded and checked)


"Local Tag <number> does not match MXF specification for UL:<key>


A local tag was found in a primer pack but the specification says that the tag is incorrect for the given key


"Incorrect Kind byte in partition UL"


Byte 14 within a Partition Pack key was an invalid number. This is the byte defined to specify the kind of partition (Header, footer etc)


"Incorrect Status byte in partition UL"


Byte 15 within a Partition Pack key was an invalid number. This is the byte defined to specify the status of the partition (open or closed, complete or incomplete)


Errors relating to the structure of KLV sets

"Standard tag <tag> not found in primer or MXF specification, in set <set UL>"


A Tag was discovered in a local set, with UL <set UL>, that was not specified in the primer, or in the MXF specification

Note: The error will only be shown the first time it occurs in the file


"Standard tag<tag> (<UL>) not found in primer, in set <set UL>"


A Tag was discovered in a local set, with UL <set UL>,that was not specified in the primer. However the value of the UL can be deduced from the MXF specification

Note: The error will only be shown the first time it occurs in the file


"Set with non standard tag length (<number>) or length field length (<number>)",


A local set was discovered with a tag length or length of field length not equal to 2. Decoders should be able to interpret the set but the specification says that all sets should have the standard field lengths.


"Unable to handle other than local set (set with category %02x was found)"


Currently the application is unable to interpret all sets and packs, A set with the given category designator was given.



Errors relating to the meaning of keys

"Key <key> not found in MXF keys or in Diffuser"


The key is not in the standard MXF dictionary, but and is also not in the diffuser database

Note: The error will only be shown the first time it occurs in the file


"Key <key>not found in MXF keys "


The key is not in the standard MXF dictionary, but and Diffuser was not available to be searched

Note: The error will only be shown the first time it occurs in the file


"Key <key> ( <meaning> ) not found in MXF keys but found in Diffuser"


The key is not in the standard MXF dictionary, but was found in Diffuser

Note: The error will only be shown the first time it occurs in the file


"No name returned from Diffuser for<key>"


Diffuser found the key within its database but there was no name. (Normally this will be an error within the diffuser installation)


"Mismatch in UL version compared with Diffuser: file had <version>, Diffuser had <version> for UL <UL>"


Diffuser found the requested key but the version number (byte 8) did not match

Note: this warning is only given the first time it occurs


"Mismatch in UL version compared with Specification: file had <version number>, spec. had <version number> for UL <number>"




The requested key was found in the MXF specification but the version number (byte 8) did not match

Note: this warning is only given the first time it occurs