MXF Wrapping

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MXF Wrapping

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MXFixer can create new MXF files through this interface. It is selected from the file menu/Create new MXF file.

There are two formats for the wrapping dialog. You can select them from the Edit/Preferences/wrapping dialog.

To wrap some essence into an MXF file

1.Create a list of essence files in the list box.

2.Select the settings required for the format of the MXF file.

3.Select the 'Load MXF file after creation' if you want to inspect the structure of the created file.

4.Select 'OK' and give the name of the new file.

Essence Files

MXFixer can wrap a number of essence file formats (video and audio):

MPEG2 Transport Stream.

MPEG2 Elementary Stream





In addition MXFixer can wrap TIFF and DPX files where the essence is presented in the form of one file per frame.

In order to wrap essence which comes in the form of one file per frame then the option 'Frame pre file' should be selected from the right hand side of the dialog box.

Selecting Essence - one file per clip

Any files to be wrapped should be added to the list box as the top of the dialog. This can be done by selecting them through the 'Add Files...' button or dragging and dropping the files into the box.

If the files are required to be at the same place on the resulting timeline, as in the case with video and its associated audio then the option Gang Files' should be selected. If the files are to be placed in the MXF file in succession then the option 'File Follow should be selected.

Selecting Essence - one file per frame

If the option 'Frame per file' is selected then MXFixer will create an MXF file with a single clip created from a sequence of TIF or DPX files. The large list of files box is replace with a text box to insert a directory name and another to define a list of files.

Firstly select a directory that holds all the frames that make up the clip.

It is assumed that there will be some numerical sequence in the  file naming. The format of the file names is defined in the second box for example frame0000.dpx to frame2317.dpx

In this case the file would be expressed as


Further detail is available on the page specifying file per frame filenames


Saving Settings

At the top of the dialog there is a drop- down box that holds all the set-ups that are currently on the system.

To create a new set up change the options in the dialog and press the 'save settings' button. Next time you start the Make a new MXF file dialog your options will be available in the drop down box at the top, providing that you save them in the first directory you are offered (<installed directory>/wol).

From the edit/preferences dialog you can make any file the default settings.

Encrypting a file

If the encrypt file option is selected then after the file has been created it will be encrypted.

In order to encrypt the file a key file must be created.

Every key file must have a filename with a name like


The layout of the digits and dashes must be as above, of course you can change the hexadecimal digits! This is a GUID that will be used a reference to the key.

The file must contain the key in the form of 32 hex digits.

Other Settings

There are a range of settings for the format of the MXF file contents. These are set in the remainder of the dialog box. as selections are made boxes are enabled or disabled so that meaningless settings are not possible.

More information on these settings will follow in a later release