Slate Metadata

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Slate Metadata

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You can add and edit slate metadata using the additional Slate Query dialog:


The metadata schema and the design of the data entry form are set up by a Metaglue Slate Query Document (.sqd) file that you can select on the main Create MXF page Schema chooser.


The form can have fixed data, manual entry fields, fields queried directly from a web service, and fields that are derived indirectly from query results. Data can be preset, for example from the Identifier field on the main Create MXF page.


When manual entry is allowed, the field will have a white text box.


When MXFixer Preferences and the Slate Query Document are set up with service information. If an external web service for the slate is available, a button with the word Query or the name of that service will appear in the lower left corner. In the example image it is labeled AdID ...  You can use this button to refresh the contents of the form from the web service.


Direct query results are shown in italic, derived query results are underlined. If the query results change previously set, or loaded data, the text will be blue. These styles may appear in combination as needed.


The OK button completes the data entry and query process and saves the metadata in the Slate Path set on the main Create MXF page; this will be inserted into the MXF files when they are created.


The Cancel button discards any data entered or queried and returns to the main Create MXF page.



An example Slate Query Document for Ad-ID in the AS-12 format is supplied with MXFixer.


MXfixer is also pre-configured for the Ad-ID service - if you have an account with Ad-ID, you can try out this example.


You can create you own Slate Query Document for your own data entry, with or without web service query. Please contact Metaglue for details on the formats for Slate Query Document (.sqd) files, including the mapping to web service calls.