File Menu

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File Menu

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File menu commands

The File menu is different depending on whether you have an MXF file open or an MXFCheck script.

The menu offers the following commands:

Open MXF

Opens an MXF file and shows several different views onto it



Re-processes an MXF File, otherwise the information is read out of a cache if the file has been processed before

Extract essence

Save all the essence found in the file

Export XML

Saves the content of the XML display as a file of the users choice: This display will be updated in the future when a standard for the XML format is agreed.

Creates a new MXFCheck script.


Creates an Avid compatible MXF file from DPX source files (only available with MXFactory plug-in)


Closes an opened document.

Create new MXF file

Opens a dialog to allow you to select options in the creation of a new MXF file


Only valid for MXFCheck scripts this options saves a script


Prints a document.

Print Setup

Selects a printer and printer connection.


Use this command to end your MXFixer session. You can also use the Close command on the application Control menu. MXFixer prompts you to save documents with unsaved changes.