FixerScript  Language

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FixerScript  Language

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FixerScript is a domain specific language created by Metaglue to examine and manipulate MXF files.

Scripts can check metadata, and MXF specification. Custom metadata and other station requirements can be checked and issues can be flagged as errors. Actions can be written to logs, and many other programmatic functions undertaken.

Scripts are installed in the FixerScript directory, in the installation location. If there are no files open in MXFixer then an option on the file menu will install a FixerScript script in the correct location.

FixerScript supports compiled files, with a .cfx extension or text files with a .fix extension. .fix files are only supported with the appropriate MXFixer enterprise extension package.

FixerScript includes a debugger that will allow you to step through a FixerScript program and examine the variables.


The FixerScript language manual is to be found in the doc directory of the MXFixer installation

Select the script to run from the Test Preferences, once it is installed.