MXFixer Help Index

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MXFixer Help Index

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MXFixer Version 3.3


Help Index


MXFixer is designed to examine MXF files and diagnose problems with the file or problems with MXF file transfers

MXFixer offers several different view onto an MXF file

Summary, This view gives a brief summary of the file and its structure

Package Map, gives a view of the contained Media Objects (MOBs) and  their inter-relation

Tree view, gives a view of the file showing every element within the file, with contained elements as subordinate to their containing element

XML view gives a full view of all the information within the file, expressed as an XML document

MXF Structure report is a report on any defects in the file, relating to the structure of the file, but not the relationship or meaning of the file elements

MXF Check is a report on the meaning of elements within the file and their relationship.


Quick Start

To examine an MXF file select Open... from the File menu.

A new window will open with a message asking you to wait. This wait can be quite a long time depending on the size of the file and the speed of your computer (and network if the file is on a remote computer)


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View menu

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