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MXFixer™ MXFactory™ masterView™
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Metaglue Online Tools
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Try Diffuser™ Online
Diffuser is a management tool for metadata dictionaries. Diffuser enables you to combine the power of current industry standards with your own organization’s existing and evolving standards.

Metaglue now has an online demonstration version of Diffuser. Once registered you will be able to browse, search and query the SMPTE Metadata Dictionary, save shortcuts and, most importantly, experiment with adding your own metadata items. If you have any questions or concerns, we can work with you to devise a strategy for making the best use of Diffuser in your organization.

Set up your own time limited trial account.


MXFixer™ for Windows
MXFixer is a tool for analysis of metadata in MXFiles.

MXFixer extracts the essence and metadata from an MXF file, examines the metadata, checks it against known requirements and then rewraps the file.

MXFixer has several options to display both the data itself and its integrity. At the highest level, a traffic light gives an
“OK / Caution / Not Passable” warning. More detailed information is given in windows that show:
  • The full descriptive and structural metadata.
  • The media objects.
  • A simplified version of a metadata tree.
  • The detailed KLV structure.
Tests can be programmed by the user to check MXF files for integrity against specific requirements. A simple graphical interface allows MXF files to be examined. MXFixer allows quick and easy extraction, identification and verification of metadata within MXF files. MXFixer has been described as a "waveform monitor for MXF" and is extremely valuable for anyone receiving or sending MXF files. It will also let you examine and test the metadata inside the MXF file. As we receive user feedback, the download copy is updated regularly.

Visit the MXFixer page to learn more or to purchase to try MXFixer today.
Online Tools
  Get Started with Diffuser

Typically the area of greatest value to an organization is the ability to take an industry standard dictionary, such as SMPTE, and easily add the metadata which is specific to their own needs.

Use this document to help you learn how to use Diffuser to create a metadata system that can be updated with the minimum of effort.

Download the pdf.

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